A unique equity portfolio
based on fundamental research


Night Watch Investment Management is an alternative asset manager focused on global equities, selected based on our in-depth proprietary research. Our investment style is best described as value plus catalyst. We invest in companies that have strong free cash flow generation and a favorable valuation. However, cheap stocks can be cheap forever, so we look for an identifiable near-term catalyst to unlock this value. Finally, we are looking for companies with some sort of downside protection to limit our downside.

NWIM was founded by Roderick van Zuylen. Our team brings over two decades of institutional portfolio management experience at multi-billion dollar global asset managers. Roderick builds on an audited track record of outperformance stretching over 8 years. He worked as Head of Research and Portfolio Manager at the Dutch Laaken Asset Management from 2015-2021 and as Senior Portfolio Manager at Van Lanschot Kempen from 2022-2023.

Our investment philosophy


Cash flow generation drives the intrinsic value of a business. Two important factors we look for are Free Cash Flow yield and Free Cash Flow growth.


Cheap stocks can be cheap forever. Therefore we look for companies that benefit from improving business fundamentals such as macro tailwinds, cycle inflections, and/or company transformations.


Strong management ownership ensures alignment of interests between company management and investors.


Roderick van Zuylen, CFA

Chief Investment Officer

Senior Portfolio Manager at Kempen Capital Management (2021-2023)

Head of Research / Portfolio Manager at Laaken Asset Management (2015-2021)

MS Engineering

Eileen Ke, MBA

Chief Operating Officer

Experience in marketing, operations, strategy, and finance in start up and multi billion dollar companies

MS Finance

Martijn Kleinbussink

Research Consultant

Senior Portfolio Manager at Kempen Capital Management (2017-2023)

Equities Analyst at IBS Capital Management (2014-2017)

MS Finance

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